Tuesday, March 31, 2020

EDC Ongoing Learning Plan April 1 - 3

April 1 - 3, 2020

Opening Comments 
  • Hello to all our EDC friends and families!  We hope you are all well and adjusting to all the changes we have all experienced in the past weeks. 
  • Please remember that we are here for you and we will get through this together! 
  • We sure do miss you!  I hope you find the following activities fun and exciting.  Please contact me if you have any questions.  alklassen@cbe.ab.ca  

Learning Outcomes 
  • Circle Time Routines 
  • Listening Skills 
  • Focus and attention 
  • Participation  
  • Turn Taking 
  • Requesting 
  • This week we are reading the book: 
 Chicka, Chicka Boom Boom! By Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault.    

Task One:  Circle Time Video  
  • Click on the Story Link and it will take you to the story – watch this once a day (or more if you like!). 
Task Description: 
  • Circle Time Routine plan using visuals 
  • Hello Song – encourage your child to sing along.   Here are the words: 
       Hi, Hi Hello!   Hi, Hi Hello! 
       It’s time for circle! 
       Hi, Hi Hello!   Hi, Hi Hello! 
       It’s time for circle now. 
       Hello (Child’s name) 
       Hello (Child’s name) 
       Hello (Child’s name) 
       Hello (Child’s name) 
       Hi, Hi Hello!   Hi, Hi Hello! 
       It’s time for circle now. 
  • Read Along: EDC, EDC Who Do You See? books 
  • This week’s story is:   Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault.  Click on the link to open. 

  • Story Follow-up 
  •  Can you find your letter on the alphabet tree? 
  • Watch the music video of the book on YouTube (link below) 
  • Search the YouTube sight for Chicka Chicka Boom Boom 

  • Observe your child as they participate in Circle Time.  Are they singing along?  Dancing along?   Are you joining in the fun too?  Great job! 

Task Two: Game or Activity 
   Demonstration of the game follows the story on the link. 
Task Description:   Memory Game 
  • Materials required: 
  • Find a few objects around your house (start with 5 and add more as your child gets better at guessing) 
  • Towel or small blanket  
  • Tray or clear spot on a table 
  • How to play: 
  • Place the objects on the tray or table and invite your child to look carefully at them for several seconds (15 seconds to start, then increase time as you add more objects) 
  • After the observation time has ended, cover the objects with the towel 
  • Carefully remove one object 
  • Ask your child if they can identify the missing object – no peeking! 
  • As your child gets better, add more objects to make the game more challenging 
  • Remember to take turns!   Invite siblings to see how they do. 

  • Play a few times over the day/week for a short period of time.  Is it getting easier?   
  • Provide lots of encouragement and make it fun.   
  • Change the location – can you play this game in the bathtub? In the  

Task Three: Creative Time 
Task Description:     Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree Craft  
  • Materials required 
  • Scrap paper, newspaper, magazine pages or handwritten letters 
  • Scissors 
  • Glue 
  • Instructions 
  •           Trace your child's hand and arm to make a basic tree shape on piece of 
  •            paper  
  • Find letters in the scrap paper, newspaper or magazine pages 
  • Invite your child to cut (or tear) the letters out  
  • Add stickers, buttons or colourful scraps of paper to the picture 
  • Glue the letters to the tree template anywhere they like on the page 
  • Challenge for our friends going to Kindergarten next year:   
     Can they find the letters in their name? 
                           Can they find all the letters of the alphabet?  

  • Hang the beautiful pictures on the fridge and revisit the letters over the next few days.  Can they tell you any letter names?   

Physical Education and Music 
Task Description: 
  • Ms. Hennick and Ms. Mann have created ideas for you on their blog posts 


Closing Comments 
  • Email me if you have any questions or comments - alklassen@cbe.ab.ca 
  • If you are ableplease send me a photo or a short video of your child learning!  
  • I would love to hear your comments and feedback. 
  • Thank you so much and remember to have fun!